Welcome to the official website of GM Lev Alburt, three-time U.S. chess champion, three-time Ukrainian champion and former European team champion--and one of the most sought-after chess teachers in the world. The site's day-to-day business is administered by Alburt's co-author and executive editor, Al Lawrence. Lawrence served as executive director of the U.S. Chess Federation during a decade of record-setting growth and some of the most important chess events to take place in America, including the 1990 and 1995 world chess championships.
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Marina and Boris Spassky, Mary and Al Lawrence, and Lana and Lev Alburt
toast the World Chess Hall of Fame induction of Boris and Lev in 2001.
Although Alburt was one of the elite players in the old Soviet Union, and therefore treated well by U.S.S.R. standards, he hated the communist system and defected in 1977, at a time when it was extremely dangerous to do so. Once in the U.S., he reunited with his old teacher, I.M. Roman Pelts, who had smuggled out the secret lesson plans that had produced Soviet world-dominance in chess for three decades. The two got to work, and very quickly, Lev began to publish what was to become the best-selling and highly praised Comprehensive Chess Course. Over the years, Lev perfected and expanded the course until he was satisfied that a serious reader committed to practice could become a master with the material presented in the course.
In 1996, Lawrence founded OutExcel! Corporation, a marketing and publishing firm. He began working with Alburt as executive editor of the Comprehensive Chess Course. Lawrence opened the World Chess Hall of Fame in 2001 and served as its first executive director. He has published widely on a number of subjects and is the recipient of about a dozen awards for his writing, including Chess Journalists of America's "Best Story," and "Journalist of the Year." He currently serves as president of that organization.